How to do one-legged chair pose in yoga?

2022-06-24 20:33:27 By : Ms. Tina Zhang

The one-legged chair pose (Eka Pada Utkatasana), also known as the half chair pose, standing figure-four pose or whopping crane pose, is an intermediate-level balance and hip-opener asana in yoga.

It targets the leg and abdominal muscles and promotes a balanced and strong core. It enhances clarity and also helps the mind focus better. Additionally, the Eka Pada Utkatasana is an essential gateway into other arm-balance poses.

It can be used in yoga sequences that largely involve stretching the leg muscles, strengthening the lower body and opening the hips.

Watch this video for reference:

Consider the following tips when practicing the one-legged chair pose.

The one-legged chair pose offers several advantages. It improves overall balance and core strength, strengthens and tightens the legs, and also opens the hips to make them more flexible and strong.

Practicing this yoga pose helps stretch your gluteal muscles and outer hips while using your gluteus maximus and quads. That results in flexible and toned legs and prevents tightness, which occurs from sitting too much. In everyday life, it's essential to have better balance and strong legs to prevent injuries and falls.

To get the most out of the Eka Pada Utkatasana and reduce the chances of injury, make sure to avoid these mistakes:

To avoid strain in your hips, make sure to keep a straight line between your hips and spine, and do not excessively bend or curve your back. Keep your abs tight throughout the pose, and pull your navel inward.

Your knees should not bend past your ankle, as that can lead to injury to your anterior cruciate ligament.

When doing the one-legged chair pose, keep your shoulders loose and down so that they aren’t lifted towards your ears. Keep your shoulders relaxed, and don’t over-engage them.

When practicing this yoga pose, make sure to protect your knees by not extending them too deeply. If you have any balance issues or high blood pressure problems, practice this asana against a wall.

Avoid this pose if you have an ankle or knee injury, or you have had recent surgery. The one-legged chair pose isn’t recommended for pregnant women, as there's a chance of tripping. If you experience any pain in your legs, hips or abdominal muscles, come out of the pose, and relax. Seek medical attention immediately if the pain persists.

Moreover, if you have an ongoing health condition, such as any cardiovascular disease, it's always best to consult a doctor before starting yoga. Check with them to determine which yoga asanas would be safe for you.

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