Is There Such a Thing as a Burglar-Proof Front Door?

2022-10-08 02:47:24 By : Ms. Sunny Wei

If you have ever had the chance to review statistics on break-ins, you might have an idea of how important it is to secure your home against would-be criminals. Your home’s front door is the primary point of access for potential criminals.

According to the Bureau of Justice, 34% of burglars use the front door when breaking into a home. Making your home’s front door burglar-proof is one of the most important things you can do to prevent these criminals from gaining access to your home.

Improving your home’s physical security measures is the best way to burglar-proof your home. The doors and locks can play a critical role in keeping your home safe. You might wonder whether such a thing as a burglar-proof front door exists. With the proper guidance, you can make investments to help you achieve much better security for your household and effectively burglar-proof your front door.

Today’s post will share some helpful tips to burglar-proof your front door and protect your family, belongings, and yourself from would-be criminals.

There is never a one-size-fits-all solution to burglar-proofing your doors. Instead, you must use a combination of solutions that work together to keep the criminals outside your home.

In most cases, professional burglars determined to break in and steal your property can get access if they have the right training, no matter how secure your door locks are. However, a burglar-proof front door can make it much harder and make most would-be burglars give up before they find a way to get in.

Let’s take a look at some of the measures you can take to burglar-proof your front door.

The material of your front door is the primary component. Modern homes have doors made from all kinds of materials, but not all of them are suitable for making burglar-proof doors. Is the door material strong enough to resist brute force attacks?

If it isn’t made of strong material, you need to consider installing a new door made of solid material. Solid core wood and fiberglass doors are excellent for this purpose. Steel doors are also a great choice for making secure front doors.

Having a door made of strong material would be practically useless against brute force attacks if the frame it is attached to is weak. A door frame made with similar material to the door helps make your front door burglar-proof. A poorly constructed door frame is vulnerable to break-ins because burglars can easily break the door open by taking it off its hinges.

Getting high-quality door locks can go a long way in preventing criminals from breaking and entering your home. A solid door lock made with strong materials and effective anti-theft properties can help you make the door secure. Combining the standard doorknob or hand lever door locks with deadbolts or chain locks can add another layer of security to the door. Deadbolts are highly effective and can withstand a substantial amount of force.

Burglar-proofing your front door does not just depend on the material of the door, the door frame, and how good your door lock is. You can improve your home’s security by incorporating several additional security features. Door security screens, theft-proof hinges, motion-activated alarms and lights, and surveillance cameras are some measures you can take to make your home more secure against potential criminals.

The door material is the crucial factor when taking steps to burglar-proof your doors. Outside-facing doors in the front of your house must use solid core materials. Solid core wooden, fiberglass, or steel doors are excellent for this purpose because they are much harder to kick down.

Suppose your front door has window panes. In that case, we highly recommend using glass films to reinforce the panes. Burglars attempting to break the glass to access the lock will have a difficult time due to the security film preventing the glass panes from shattering.

It is also essential to reinforce the door hinges. Using longer screws to attach the hinges makes it harder for them to bend or break due to brute force.

Using deadbolt locks on all outside-facing doors also improves security.

The real key to achieving burglar-proof doors is identifying the weakest aspects of your front door and making the appropriate changes to address the problems. We hope you found this post informative. Stay safe!